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AGRESSIONS ELECTROMAGNETIQUES et DGA (Délégation Générale pour l’Armement)

with 17 comments


La Délégation Générale pour l’Armement (DGA) dispose de moyens d’essais très importants afin d’assurer ses missions d’expertises dans le domaine des agressions électromagnétiques, au profit essentiellement des programmes d’armement français et européens.

Toutefois, l’utilisation de ces moyens reste ouverte à des applications civiles.

La DGA dispose de trois centres d’expertises et d’essais intervenant dans les agressions électromagnétiques :
– le Centre d’Essais Aéronautique de Toulouse (CEAT), intervenant pour les aspects foudre, décharges électrostatiques, CEM et champs forts,
– le Centre d’Études de Gramat (CEG), pour l’IEMN (Impulsion électromagnétique d’origine nucléaire) et les MFP (Micro-ondes de fortes puissances),
Le générateur “ECF” de Gramat.
Source :

– le Centre Technique des Systèmes Navals, situé à Toulon, pour les aspects DRAM (Dommages des Rayonnements sur les Armes et Munitions).
Ces trois centres interviennent conjointement afin d’assurer un durcissement électromagnétique global et cohérent sur les systèmes expertisés.

L’utilisation des moyens d’essais associés à ces expertises sont coordonnés, afin d’optimiser les campagnes d’essais d’un point de vue coûts et délais.
Dans un bâtiment entièrement diélectrique a été installé un simulateur d’impulsion électromagnétique de type strip-line
(dimensions : L=45 m, l=14m, h=7m).

Ce dispositif est entièrement démontable et offre deux zones de test :
Une zone de test principale pouvant recevoir des maquettes de grandes dimensions comme des véhicules blindés, shelters sur camion, hélicoptères. (temps de montée inférieure à 0.6 nanosecondes).
Une zone de test maquette destinée à des études EM avec des impulsions très rapides (temps de montée inférieur à 200 pico-secondes).
Des pièces spéciales de transition autorisent le raccordement de multiples générateurs de d’impulsions haute-tension, depuis quelques kilovolts jusqu’à 400 kilovolts.

Written by rudy2

May 8, 2010 at 09:32

17 Responses

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  1. Hi,
    I ‘m a victim from France and I can assure you that My harassment started 10 years ago in Europe. I was targeted i Copenhagen – Denmark. That tells you what kind of people we are dealing with… Until 3 months ago, I didn’t even knew about other victims around a world.

    I couldn’t imagine that technology exist. I thought it’ s some stupid danish technology !… Secret Danish police has ruined my life and tried to kill me because they couldn’t just neutralize me. I was happy to leave the country but they followed me to France. I have my child with me – this affects him too. Since that time we don’t get a life anymore.

    I don’t know, that time, anything about synthetic telepathy or magnetic Mind control technologies. I just found some International study called ” Human Brain project” – I was used as a guinea pig and I was delighted to follow results.

    It’s a pity that subprofessional people don’t knew either anything about this weapon too. They can’t help me to find an answer to my problem – I wonder now if this people don’t work hand in hand with them.

    I’m sure that technology is used over a lot-of people. People who don’t even know they are a target. My experience is that they manipulate other persons to reach me. I can assure you that they use my son to make me sad. They obviously use my friend and other people to reach there goal. You know something with subliminal messages. As well that I live isolate with my problem.

    Believe me, my life is absolute HELL !

    Today I’m afraid to go to the police to talk about my problem. Can you help me somehow to get a courage to tell about it. It has been so long time I couldn’t reach others. I’m just glad, sorry to say that, that’s somewhere someone knows about it.

    Thanks for your good work.


    Mourad SARROUB


    November 9, 2010 at 04:28

    • Hi
      This is just a quick friendly message of support for you. Although we often receive messages from false victims, we still reply because we do not have any proof of their being false. We only have strong feeling or impression that they may be perpetrators (bourreaux) disguised as “victims”.
      Anyway, here is a big piece of advice: do NOT go to the police to talk about your problem, because they will never believe your story . They may in fact already know about this situation but they may just pretend not to know anything about it. If you still wish to go, then please know that they are capable of regarding you as a mental case and they will most likely take you to a psychiatric institution. Lots of victims who are mentally sane have lived this terribly unfair treatment.


      November 9, 2010 at 05:56

  2. Bonjour,

    Merci pour votre conseil, je sais qu’il ne faut pas allez voir les autorités compétentes en la matière. J’en ai fais, hélas, l’amère expérience au début de ma mésaventure.
    J’ai pris l’habitude de noter sur une feuille de papier toutes les anomalies qui ponctuent ma pseudo-vie. Et comme on est, fort heureusement, en démocratie – il se trouve que légalement on se doit de sauver les apparences et appliquer la LOI.

    Je ne ferais pas allusion à mon réel problème.

    Ceci dit, je cherche à éditer mon histoire et toutes ces “petites choses” qui font que la vie soit encore plus belle. Je crois que c’est la seule façon de dénoncer ces “aberrances” qui ponctuent mon quotidien.


    November 11, 2010 at 04:25

  3. Hi.

    Now I know, we never should go to the police with our kind of problem. I think as you, they already knew about my unfair treatment.

    God save us!

    Best regards


    November 19, 2010 at 23:33

    • You are referring to our previous talk. Do you mean that they already knew about your situation before you went to see them? Of course, I am aware of this kind of situation, but in your particular case, how do you think they managed to know all about it?


      November 20, 2010 at 20:51

  4. Hi,
    Yes, I’m referring to your previous advice. I couldn’t lodge a complaint.
    I don’t understand that kind of disrespect, it’s so obvious.

    Actually someone hack my PC and interfere in my private life.

    I think they ‘re waiting for me, I presume someone called just before. I don’t have another explication.
    They practically treat me like a mental person who complain a lot about anything.

    I believe we still have rights, even though the police are trained to trick you into relinquishing them.

    I was surprised and sad about this misbehavior, so I acted foolish –
    I think, they don’t want to arrest me but just drive me crazy.

    what can we do in such situation ?


    November 21, 2010 at 00:49

  5. bonjour rudy,

    S’il faut se taire et ne pas porter plainte auprès des services de police pour les raisons citèes ,que doit-on alors faire pour sortir de cette spirale infernale?
    je suis victime moi même d’un harcèlement sans relâche sous forme de torture.
    grand merci pour ce précieux travail que vous faites


    February 3, 2011 at 20:26

  6. Bonjour,
    Je ne sais pas quoi faire dans notre situation. Les victimes utilisent généralement ‘Internet’ pour dénoncer cette agression. Les choses ont l’ air de bouger aux USA. Malheureusement en Europe – Les choses stagnent !…

    Il faut essayer de rentrer en contact avec les ‘victimes américaines’ et signaler notre impuissance.

    Courage – la vérité finira par être connue!


    April 13, 2011 at 21:05

  7. je suis une victime grecque j’ai subi agressions electromagnetiques a partir des annees 80 quand j’ai commence a travaille a l’education le probleme s’accentue j’ai essaye de partir en france en 1986 mais les agressions continuaient,de 1986 jusque a 2005 j’ai cru que j’avais un probleme psychique grave,le psychiatre a donne comme diagnostique syndrome psychotique,j’ai pris psychotropes, andidepresseurs-je continu encore- et de fortes dose de thyroxine parce que ca ameliore ma concentration et je peux travailler aux depens de ma sante,plusieurs fois je sens que mon comportement est controle meme quand j’arrive a rencontrer une personne sans le vouloir je suis consciente que je suis sous controle mais pas toujours,les psychiatres n’acceptent rien de tout cela et je croient que les autorites ne s’interessent pas, ,mes proches ne croient pas aux mefaits des armes non-lethales et ils se demandent pourquoi,personelement je crois que mes convictions chretiens et ma participation a la lutte contre les colonels en grece peuvent etre des causes de ces agressions sans etre sure,en plus j’ignore completement d’ou viennent ces aqgressions je faits plusieurs hypotheses dans ma tete mais ils ne sont que des hypotese,quand j’ai lu sur les symptomes de gagkstalking je suis sur que je suis victime de ce technologie criminelle qui vise la democratie et nos libertes fondamendales,vraiment j’ai besoin d’aide
    chrysi dervissi from asterios-thessaloniki -greece

    xrissi dervissi kampa

    February 10, 2012 at 18:03

    • Bonsoir xrissi,

      Je te mets le lien suivant pour que tu puisses être aider – du moins mentalement. Le fait de communiquer avec d’autres ‘victimes’- qu’on appelle TI s en Anglais- t’aideras à mieux combattre ton quotidien. Il y a même des réunions sur SKYPE hebdomadair : .7

      Bon courage.


      February 12, 2012 at 18:19

    • Chrysi hi.My name is Dimitris and i am gangstalked in Thessaloniki.I am searching for persons persecuted by this system in my area.If you see this message and are interested respond so we can communicate.
      Also anyone from Greece who is gangstalked and reads this message


      April 21, 2012 at 19:19

    • dieu doit doit intervenir car on se trouve au milieu d’un paradoxe, la terre s’est prise pour dieu !


      November 3, 2012 at 15:52

  8. C’est les ‘illuminés’ qui se prennent pour des ‘pseudo-dieux’ – mais le Seigneur leur fera payer leur ‘affront’ et nous libérera !…
    Il ne faut surtout pas perdre espoir – la technologie du ‘mind control’ est de plus en plus dénoncée par les internautes et j’ai l’impression que ce climat d’insécurité – crise oblige, servira notre cause.


    sarroub mourad

    November 3, 2012 at 23:03

  9. En tant que grande victime française actuelle de harcèlement en réseau et électronique, encore en vie (!), je viens reposter ici les liens vers mes sites :

    Toujours disponible (mais pas pour toujours) pour raconter, décrire, expliquer, n’hésitez pas.

    Brulé Parlesilluminés

    February 8, 2013 at 00:33

    • Bonsoir non vous êtes pas la seul victime en France je suis de la partie également bon courage à vous


      September 3, 2017 at 16:38

  10. Dear Rudy,

    I live in France and as a Targeted Individual became an expert about covert tortures you describe in part and much, much more.

    Please, do not make the usual mistake of considering Scalar Waves as Electro-Magnetic: they ARE NOT!
    This is why authorities will always dismiss you!!

    Scalar wWves are different waves than EM and can also carry information such as artificial thoughts, dreams, even speech and they augment in intensity with distance. Moreover, the transmitter knows when the receiver receive it, but very seldom the other way round!! They were discovered by Nicola Tesla, whom science was largely classified and censored since the late 1800s. Henning Witte is a German-speaking Swedish lawyer with many videos about that.

    They are carried out by all secret services enslaved to the banksters, vatican and monarchis in collaboration with the CIA and the US National Security Agency, as you may probably know by now. SW are CLASSIFIED so they do not exist officially! Unfortunately, there is no shielding anywhere possible. Many people, including politicians and police agents, they are themselves not aware about that! Many of them are just pawns of MC programming, without even knowing it, others are black-mailed for their sexual scandals they get them fall into.

    This is why the secret global government of the Cabal made true-hero Edward Snowden US enemy N° 1 and trying to trigger WWIII with Russia! He possess tons of information about that.

    Scalar Waves are used with the IMPLANTS that EVERYONE of us carries inside himself in Western countries since 1950s. They began to be spread massively for “Social Behavioural Control” in the “more advanced countries” thanks to Nazi flat-lie European monarchies such as Norway, Sweden, the UK, Belgium and Netherlands.
    They also inserted an impossible mind blockage to bear, feeling a deep artificial guilty complex into the mind of German people, while in parallel promoting race superiority in many other individuals. No kidding.
    Nazi run the US military-industrial complex thanks to black-ops Paperclip and High Jump. Some 50.000 high Nazi officials never faced Nuremebrg. They were first imported to the US at the end of WWII, later promoted in career thanks to the great job already done in the Germany, a Petry dish lab-experiment country.
    Check these “American” names: George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Swartzkhoff, Werner Von Braun, etc.

    First implants were big sized in late 1800 (check recent martyr whistle blower Rauni Kilde), small as a rice grain during the 70’s (I got 2 behind my years), but since the 80’s they are as small a a 1/20 of an hair thanks to bloody alien-nanotechnology. I am sure it was the means by which the rise of Hitler was ever possible in such a massive way in Germany.

    Key words are Mind Control, Covert Harassment and Gang Stalking. Voice-to-skull people were born only since the 50’s because of this covert campaign through vaccines and artificial diseases created by big-pharma companies. Check movies like Clockwork Orange, Fight Club, Paprika (manga)
    Remember: psychiatry is a Nazi born thing, absolutely not science!!
    They provide lifelong killing medicines for illusory happiness pills, whenever one complains of his emotional moods. Yes, they are able to blast upon you frequencies that make people in a lower energy state of anger and frustration, often leading them to sudden depression but inevitable suffering, without knowing why.

    I possess two Masters degrees in Life Sciences and I am presently preparing my coming out about what I know. I am absolutely anonymous on the web and I receive death treats from many unknown people since 2010.
    I know all mass killers out of blue (see Columbine massacre on) are MK Ultra victims, such as I am, without being a killer, created to project fear on people. The last Paris event was another, because they are currently rapidly loosing their own power thanks to many whistle blowers.

    They can change the unique frequency of your body with a simple beam of SW, in order to change station into an sensitive personality (as a radio) and eventually program unknown people or neighbours to create false flag incidents against you, then blaming you of the very same!! Stalkers usually tell you exactly what get you more nervous about, (precisely when you previously gently asked them not to do it again) they do not pay attention to what you say over and over AND they don’t remember the bull-shit they were sent to aggress you about.

    One thing is for sure: they are absolutely coward and demonic, working with aliens who organize the invasion of this planet since at least 80 years. Honest people, lone women (especially with babies), any different nationality or mixed couple that are in real love are their primary targets.
    I want to first International TI Event last November in October organized by EUCACH and STOPEG. Founder Magnus Ollson was too heavily target to make it to the conference. Melanie Vritchan was burnt over and over and she is currently facing stranglement. News Inside Out is a great site for this information and so much more.

    Information is empowering; as per my experience I know that prayer is what works the best against CH. Please note that I respect believers, but am allergic to re-ligions, war organisations. A true Source of Love, Light, Truth and Justice do exists and is the fuel which makes any true whistle-blowers going on with their own missions.

    Blue Eagle

    March 16, 2015 at 12:43

  11. Gentes malas quieren sembrar confusión y parece que disfrutan insanamente,
    TU MENTE NO PUEDEN DOMINARLA, pero te harán creer que sí. No dudes de tí aunque tu estado de ánimo esté mal.
    Te podran irradiar y dejarte cansado o mortificarte con sonidos agudos, pero aqui dentro de este espacio, entran efectivamente verdugos, a sembrar más confusión y miedo, aunque ellos son los autenticos cobardes. SI CAEMOS EN SU JUEGO PERVERSO, SI NOS PODEMOS ENLOQUECER.
    Animo! Sepan discernir con su mayor sentido común.

    Un abrazo!


    May 30, 2015 at 07:27

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